I can't believe it's December 4th already! I am kind of regretting not doing blogmas this year, but I am really enjoying reading other people blogmas posts :) so send some links this way and I will be sure to check them out.
At the moment I'm finishing off getting University projects done and doing my dissertation, so it's quite a busy December at the moment. But that definitely won't stop me getting in the Christmas spirit. My boyfriend and I went to the Christmas Market in Lincoln on Thursday evening, it was great but very cold! There was so many different food stalls. I ended up getting some vanilla and cinnamon peanuts, they were so good. I also treated myself to some roasted chestnuts, which I absolutely love. We also went to get a nice hot drink after looking around to try and warm ourselves up a bit. There was so many lovely things to buy there, I especially loved one stall that sold lots of really nice snow globes. It's definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas
For today's post I want to share with you some of my favourite Christmas songs. What better way to get in the Christmas mood, than listening to some Christmas songs
What are your favourite Christmas songs?