
A little bit of everything

Monday 26 October 2015

Jimmi Jamms, Signature Hoodie




As the weather gets cooler I love getting all snuggled up in the evening, during the day too if I'm having a lazy day! There's nothing like putting on a comfy pair of PJ bottoms and a warm hoodie. 
In the photo above I am wearing the Jimmi Jamms* Signature Hoodie in pink. One thing I absolutely love about this hoodie is how soft it is. It's also super comfy and so cute. You can choose to have your hoodie in different colours, but I just had to have the pink one. 

I am obsessed with sleepwear. I have so many PJ bottoms from Primark, the ones in the photos above are my favourite ones (they have pugs on them!) I also love a nice pair of warm socks to keep my feet warm. Oh and not forgetting a  nice warm blanket, the one in the photos above is from Primark. 

If you haven'y already checked out the Jimmi Jamms site, I highly recommend you do. I am really loving their cuddle blankets. 

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