
A little bit of everything

Wednesday 20 December 2017

6 Things I Like To Do When I'm Not Online

It's less than one week until Christmas! I mean, how has this even happened! I had it all planned, I was going to be all ready for Christmas ages ago. Kind of hasn't worked out that way, I still need to do some Christmas shopping, oops! But I'm going to get it done, just a little bit later than I originally planned. At least the decorations and Christmas tree have been up quite a while. Usually it can sometimes be a last minute thing, but my mum and I made sure that we at least had the tree up early, before anything else. I also started the Christmas songs early too, just to get in that Christmassy mood.

Although I absolutely love going online, when I'm not online, there are a few things that I really like to do. It's nice sometimes just to take a little break and relax and do the things that I love the most, that doesn't involve staring at a computer screen. It's so easy to just sit at my Macbook and when I next look at the time, the whole day has gone by! So I kind of like to take, even if it's just for an hour say, some time to do other things. Below I have listed 6 things that I like to do when I'm not online.

Read a book.
At the moment I am currently reading Sleigh Rides and Silver Bells at the Christmas Fair by
Heidi Swain. I recently finished reading Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon and My Not So Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella. I love just getting in some comfy lounge wear or pj's and getting snuggled up in a cosy blanket with a good book. And a hot chocolate of course! I find reading so relaxing and it just takes my mind off of things and transports me to a completely new place. My imagination goes wild when reading a book. I love picturing the characters and everything that they are getting up to within the book. 

I really love to paint. At the moment I am really enjoying doing abstract paintings and using acrylic paint. I find it so relaxing and very enjoyable. Another thing I really like to paint is scenery. It feels so good when looking at the finished piece. Next I really want to try drawing and painting animals. It's something I've been wanting to do for a while now. I find it so satisfying mixing paints and then gliding your brush over a canvas.

Take Photos.
Photography is something that I am very passionate about. I love how a photo can tell a story. I've been trying to get back in to taking photos with my camera. I love just getting it out and taking a few photos, whether it's a flat-lay photo or of just random things in my room! 

Go for a walk.
As I haven't been very well recently, I haven't actually done much walking, but it's something that I like to do. Whether it's having a walk in to town or just up the road and back or going to the train station. I find walking really helps to clear my mind. You also never know what you might find. Maybe a really awesome photo can be taken, or you might discover something near you that you didn't know existed. Or just walking to somewhere you haven't been to before. It's like going on a little adventure.

Watch some TV.
I know it's similar to a computer in the sense that you are still watching something and looking at a screen, but I love just chilling out in the living room with my mum and having a nice sit down together to watch TV. Usually at meal times we will sit together and watch a show or something. It's nice just spending some family time together. My favourite TV shows to watch are Come Dine With Me, Four in a Bed, The Simpsons, Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares and Touched by an Angel.

Write down ideas.
One thing I like doing is writing down ideas for my blog. I find that when I'm not online, it's the perfect time to write them down. I also like creating mind maps with ideas for blog posts too. Sometimes when I'm online, I'm so busy doing other things that I don't bother writing anything down. So it's actually nice to sit at my desk with just my notepad and pen and write some things down.

What do you like to do when you are not online?

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