
A little bit of everything

Wednesday 28 February 2018

Meet My February Advertiser

Welcome to my February Advertisers post! It's already the end of the month, but I'm looking forward to seeing what March brings. I will be starting off the month celebrating my birthday, which is this Friday and I'm gonna be 28! I am absolutely loving the snow we have been having and hope that we have lots more. It looks so beautiful. My mum and I just stood looking out of the window last night and it really did look truly magical. I also spent my morning taking some photos outside, as it's been so long since I have seen this much snow. 

If you would like to advertise with me through March, please click here to find out more. There's still time left. I am also now booking spots for April if you would like to be my April advertiser. It's only £3 for the month! 

You can find Aprils blog over at Travelling Wanderer. I was so happy when April said that she would like to advertise with me and be my first advertiser on my blog. You have no idea how happy that made me. Firstly here's a little bit more about April -

"My name is April, and I am the girl behind Travelling Wanderer. This blog represents my passion in every aspect, and I thoroughly enjoy what I do. I am a girl who doesn’t like to follow rules of society, and one who likes to find adventure around every corner. I am a twenty something year old who is a van-dweller, cat mom, fiance’, explorer, and lover of Netflix. I am not really that funny, well not when I want to be. I enjoy music very much and will listen to pretty much everything. I secretly write poetry, and aspire one day to be published. I am an INFJ according to the 20 tests that I took, so I am introverted. Although I am shy, I don’t shy away any from any adventure that comes my way." (Travelling Wanderer).

April writes about her adventures and van life. I absolutely love reading Aprils posts and looking at the photos. I especially love the photos that include Bali the cat. Catagories also include Adventure, Travel Lifestyle, Solo Travel and Camping. I love everything about April's blog. Each post is brilliantly written and leaves me wanting to read more. Also, I highly recommend checking out April on Twitter. I love her Twitter threads for helping out other bloggers and motivational tweets. April is so inspiring. 

You can follow April over on - FacebookTwitterInstagram and Pinterest.

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