
A little bit of everything

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Tag

Pink Flowers With Yellow Centres-2

I was tagged by the lovely Kim from bright greenroomI have really enjoyed answering these question and want to say a huge thank you for tagging me.

Kim's questions for me - 

1) What’s your favourite colour?
I love the colour pink, (as you can probably tell by my blog design!) I am obsessed with all things pink. Even my bedroom if full of pink. It's a colour that makes me feel happy and relaxed, if that makes sense. 
2) How did you start blogging?
From a very young age I have always loved writing and taking photos. I used to love making my own websites and creating designs and layouts for them. I remember one website I called, I named it Chocolate Hamster! But I loved writing on my websites and adding photos. When I was about 18 I started my first proper blog and I would write about everything that I had been up to. Then in 2012 I decided to create Clemloves. I wanted to to have somewhere where I can write about everything that I love. Its like my own little space that I can share with everyone.
3) What’s the one thing you can’t live without?
My family. I love my family so much and I love being with them. My family mean everything to me and I feel really sad when I am not near them.
4) Who do you most admire? 
My mum. My mum is my role model, she showed me how to apply makeup, do my hair etc and she always looks so beautiful. I really look up to my mum and I love her so much. She is my inspiration.
5) What were you like in school?
I have always been quite shy and I was definitely not one of the cool people. I used to picked on at school but I had a group of really good friends and we always stuck together. I loved it when it when it was lunch time, so we could all hang out together at the benches. My favourite subjects at school was Music, History, English and Food Tech. I really didn't like P.E. I think what put me off the most was when I was at primary school and they used to make us go outside to play football, one of the older boys kicked up football really high up and the ball came down really quick on my wrist and broke it. I also loved gymnastics, but I one day I decided to do some cartwheels in the garden and I didn't see the small dip in the garden and I ended up fracturing my elbow. So I think that kind of put me off of sports a little bit. Although I did quite like playing rounders, as I like to think that I was quite good at it! 
6) Name one thing that is guaranteed to put a smile on your face!
Being surrounded by the people I love always puts a huge smile on my face.

7) Where is your favourite place to visit? 
The seaside. I love going Hunstanton, it's so beautiful there. I do also love going to Sandringham Woods which is on the way to Hunstanton, so my mum and I always stop off there first to have a picnic in the woods. I love being at the seaside, It makes me feel so relaxed and the sea air always makes my breathing so much better with my asthma. I love long walks along the beach.
8) How has 2015 treated you so far?
I am really enjoying 2015 so far, I have just finished my first year at University and I am so excited to go back in September. I have been on a few amazing days out and my dad recently passed his pilots license so I have been going flying with him which I love so much, (I have some photos on my Instagram.) 
9) Name three things on your bucket list!
When I was little I went on holiday to Disney World in Florida and I loved it so much. I would love to be able to go there again some day, so that is definitely on my list. I would also love to go travelling more. The last time I went abroad was when I was 16/17, my mum and I went to Rome for a week and It was lovely there and so beautiful. So another thing on my list is to visit different places around the world.
10) What song would soundtrack your life?
Hmmm, this is a tough one, but I think I would have to say Elastic Heart by Sia. The lyrics have a very strong meaning.

My Questions are -

1. What is one of your favourite things about blogging?
2. What is your favourite TV show?
3. What is your favourite song?
4. Describe yourself in 3 words.
5. Who is your favourite Disney character?
6. Where is your favourite place to shop?
7. What place would you love to visit the most?
8. Favourite ice cream flavour?
9. Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter?
10. What is your favourite quote?

The Rules -  
Answer the ten questions you have been sent.
Link to the blogger who nominated you
Come up with ten questions of your own.
Nominate up to ten bloggers.

Lots Of Love

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