
A little bit of everything

Sunday 21 January 2018

Doing More Of What I love

It's sometimes so easy to get caught up in so many different things in everyday life, that we automatically forget or simply don't have enough time to do the things we love the most. With our hectic schedules and endless amount of time doing things that we may not particularly enjoy, we start to miss out on the things that matter the most to us and what we do enojoy doing. You may have seen in a few of my previous posts, how I want to try and read more books, write more, take my photography more seriously and do more paintings. These are just a few of the things that I enjoy doing the most. I don't want to end up regretting one day, that I have missed out on doing all of the many things that I love. Sometimes even now it will get to the end of the day and I just think about how I would have loved to have took some photos, or do a brand new painting to put on my Etsy shop. 

That's why I am trying to make more time to do the things that I want to do, what I love to do. Even if it means just spending 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there. It's making sure I spend some time, doing those things. Just by taking those few minutes out each day, it definitely helps me to feel happier and more relaxed. I read in an article that when we do the things what we love, we are actually more likely to be successful, happier and healthier. And I honestly believe that. For example, since spending more time on my blog and also publishing regular posts 4 days a week, I have found a whole new love my blog, which I talked about in a previous post recently. I love and enjoy my blog and by spending more time on it, I have noticed a much greater improvement with my writing, my photos and also the growth of my blog. 

I also find that doing more of what I love, helps me to be much more productive. I have a sudden burst of energy that gets me that little bit more motivated. It also helps to push me to get more done, like with my blog. Because I have spent more time on it, I have seen more engagement with it, so it pushes me to do more. I've also been learning more along with improving, for example my photos. I've finally found a style and props that I love and love using. 

Here are 8 of the things that I want to spend more time doing that I absolutely love -

1. Painting.

I want to paint more, I want to continue to get better at painting and I want to grow my Etsy shop. Although I've always loved art, whether that be drawing, painting or making things, I want to be able to do it as career. I've started my own etsy shop recently and I want to be able to share with the world my paintings. To do more of this that I love, but to be able to make it in to something more.

2. Reading a book.

Although I love reading so much, I still have quite a few books that I own, that I have never read. So I want to start reading more and read books that still need reading. I love letting my imagination run wild

3. Catching up on my favourite Netflix series.

Obviously I don't want to spend my entire day on Netflix, which has occasionaly been the case, but I like to take some time out to catch up on my favourite show or to even find something new to watch. Just to spend a little time relaxing and take my mind off of things.

4. Writing on my blog more.

Like I mentioned above, this is something that I have already been working on and I have noticed a great improvement with my blog. It's something that I am going to continue doing.

5. Taking photos.

I thouroughly enjoy taking photos so much and it's something I want to continue improving on. Looking back at my photos from when I first started blogging to now, I can really see an improvement in them. I want to learn more about the different functions on my camera and all the different lenses you can get.

6. Spending more time with loved ones.

This is such an important one. I love spending time with my family and friends, but I would like to spend even more time with them. Even if it's just for a quick catchup, I want to try and make the time to do that. 

7. Putting on a facemask.

Although this one may sound like something that can get done anyway, I don't always make the time to put on a facemask, I get the facemask ready to use, but it just sits there. I always make sure that I take off my makeup and cleanse my skin, but doing that little extra bit of pampering, I just don't always get round to doing it. It's something I enjoy doing and I know my skin enjoys too, so that's why it's on my list.

8. Listening to records.
I love my record player so much. Sometimes it's ages again before I use it and play records on it. I really want to continue building my collection of records, I've not got that many at the moment, but I have found that charity shops have an amazing collection and you can pick them up for a £1. I really want to try and play my records more regularly. Music always makes me feel happy and relaxed.

What things do you want to do more of?

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